Sunday, 27 December 2015

Fresh start

There is never enough time. There are always so many things that you want to do and never enough time to do them. More often than not, you have so many things going on that you forget somethings. For instance, I am a teenager on holiday and is only now writing on her blog that she started three years ago or something. Life continues and you sometimes forget about things. It happens. I know.

Since the last post I did many things have changed and this blog is going to have to change with it. Don't worry the baking and the sewing will continue, sewing is becoming more of a passion and who know where that will lead me. Baking has taken a step back since my family is cutting back on the sugar and one of the main ingredients of baking is sugar. But no worries it just makes it more interesting and challenging to deal with. What we have noticed is the increase of flavors.

Something that has seeped into my life is anime and manga. It started with manga then I went to anime and I have really enjoyed it. It really is a whole new world so in posts to come there will be reviews of things that I have watched.

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