Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Assassination Classroom

Assassination Classroom, it sounds worse then it actually is. This anime is about a classroom of junior high student that have to kill there teacher before graduation, because if they don't there teacher will blow the planet up. Oh and by the way their teacher Koro Sensei is a weird yellow octopus alien creature that has already blown up 70% of the moon, and he can move at mach 20 speed.
E-class is the classroom that is trying to kill their teacher. This is a s special classroom because this student's have been disrespected and looked down upon because they don't/can't learn in a normal respect. For this school to have a good reputation they put all these kids in E-class and use this as a threat to motivate the other students to do better. Koro Sensei has taken it upon himself to teach these kids. 
Even though Koro Sensei has blown up 70% of the moon and is going to destroy the planet, he is the best teacher that the E-Class students have ever had.

This was a really fun anime to watch. The art of the show was really well done but not only that the actually story and character development was really good. These characters had depth and dimension that we learnt about. 

There were many angles of this show, and different arches as well. 
The students had to kill their teacher
The students of E-Class are competing other students and fighting the school system
There are also hints of Koro Sensei's past that is intriguing

The fact that these students are learning to become assassins is also helping with their academics and is also slightly inspiring. To be able to see a very different style of learning is really cool. That a side job like assassinating Koro Sensei is helping the students focus and grow stronger. 

Not only was the anime itself good but also the theme opening song was really good. I found myself bouncy to the them and it really embodied the show because this show doesn't take itself to seriously which was really good. And yes I have downloaded the opening song because it is so much fun to listen to. 

I don't really have one favourite character because they were all so cool. Nagisa, Karma and Karasuma Sensei.

I liked Nagisa because he is one of the main focus points of this anime, but he appreciates Koro Sensei the most, in E Class he feels like he is a someone important and he has the potential of becoming a very dangerous assassin, he isn't very strong or fast but he has the element of surprise and people usually over look him and nonthreatening and weak.

Karma starts of as a complete and utter jerk. He is stuck up and cocky. He sees himself as invisible, he can't do anything wrong. But under all that he is a good friend (sort of).
He is one of the more interesting characters because he can be a sadist which can portray him as a psycho path.

Karasuma Sensei is the gym teacher for E Class which means he is training them assassination skills, like handling a knife and shooting a gun (the type of blades and bullets that they use are harmless to humans but very harmful to Koro Sensei). He is one of my favourite characters because he is cool, calm and deadly. He is strong and skilled.

Well that is all for now. This is a really fun anime to watch, so I would highly recommend this. 

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Fresh start

There is never enough time. There are always so many things that you want to do and never enough time to do them. More often than not, you have so many things going on that you forget somethings. For instance, I am a teenager on holiday and is only now writing on her blog that she started three years ago or something. Life continues and you sometimes forget about things. It happens. I know.

Since the last post I did many things have changed and this blog is going to have to change with it. Don't worry the baking and the sewing will continue, sewing is becoming more of a passion and who know where that will lead me. Baking has taken a step back since my family is cutting back on the sugar and one of the main ingredients of baking is sugar. But no worries it just makes it more interesting and challenging to deal with. What we have noticed is the increase of flavors.

Something that has seeped into my life is anime and manga. It started with manga then I went to anime and I have really enjoyed it. It really is a whole new world so in posts to come there will be reviews of things that I have watched.